Johnny Depp: His spokesman criticizes statements by Amber Heard

court process
Johnny Depp spokesman calls Heard’s testimony ‘the vision of her life’

Amber Heard on the witness stand on the second day

© Jim Lo Scalzo / Picture Alliance

Johnny Depp’s team has responded to Amber Heard’s questioning and indirectly accused the actress of lying. The answer from the 36-year-old was not long in coming.

In the trial between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard, the 36-year-old made serious allegations against the actor on the witness stand on the second day. Among other things, she reported on an incident that is said to have occurred in March 2015 in Australia. Depp threatened her with a broken bottle and abused her with another bottle. With her description she contradicted the allegations of Depp, who had said that Heard was the perpetrator in the incident and severed a fingertip with a broken vodka bottle.

Following Heard’s statements, Johnny Depp’s team released a statement indirectly accusing the 36-year-old of lying. “As Mr. Depp’s attorneys correctly predicted in their opening statements last month, Ms. Heard has indeed provided ‘the vision of her life’ in her direct questioning,” a rep for the actor told People magazine.

It was also said that Amber Heard would “always reveal new details” in her descriptions, while Depp has been telling the same story for years and is therefore more credible. “His truth – the truth – is the same no matter the setting in which it is presented. The forthcoming cross-examination by Mr Depp’s team will be very revealing and will certainly highlight the many fallacies Ms Heard has now attempted to present as facts in her muddled testimony issue,” said Depp’s spokesman.

Amber Heard also released a statement

A response from Amber Heard was not long in coming. A spokesman for the 36-year-old also spoke to the magazine “People”. The statement said, among other things, that Depp should not boast that his story has not changed. After all, he lost the defamation lawsuit against the tabloid “The Sun” in Great Britain in 2020. There was also an allegation of domestic violence.

“Maybe he should consider a new strategy instead of attacking the victim and refusing to take responsibility for his own behavior. If Mr Depp was really innocent, then why did he repeatedly apologize to Ms Heard and promise to do it ‘Locking up monsters forever.’ Mr Depp’s behavior in this process is just as pathetic as it was in their marriage,” Heard’s rep said.

Depp can no longer distinguish fact from fiction. “An illness that appears to have spread to his legal team.” Away from the courtroom, the teams of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard don’t seem to take a break either. The ex-couple has been facing one another in a defamation lawsuit in Fairfax, Virginia, since April 12.

Source: “people”


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