John Textor gives an update on the transfer window

Two days after a frightening draw in Nantes (0-0)the owner of OL, John Textor, indicated this Friday, in remarks relayed by theAFP, that he still believed in a qualification of his club for a European Cup next season, despite the current eighth place. But the American above all made a transfer window point and assured that he wanted to strengthen the workforce.

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OL are used to being at the top of the rankings. I think that a qualification for Europe is still possible. There is a series of five to six games against teams in the second half of the table. We can’t keep losing points against these kind of teamshe first explained. We have a team to improve, which will grow. Some players will leave. In football, when someone leaves, they are replaced with someone better. I’m not here to make decisions from day one. I’m here to listen, to hear“. For the moment, only Dejan Lovren has filled the workforce of Gones this winter.

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