Joe Biden: US President closes his eyes at climate summits

COP26 in Glasgow
Comeback for “Sleepy Joe”: US President Biden closes his eyes at the climate summit

Couldn’t always keep his eyes open: US President Joe Biden as a listener at the world climate summit in Glasgow.

© Erin Schaff / The New York Times via AP-Pool / DPA

“Sleepy Joe” – that was Donald Trump’s ridiculous name for Joe Biden. Biden won the US presidential election anyway. At the climate conference, however, Mr. President lived up to his evil nickname.

Do you remember “Sleepy Joe”? Ex-US President used to mock his challenger Joe Biden because the very old US President Joe Biden did not always seem up to date when making public appearances. This was once again the case on Monday at the opening event of the UN climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Visibly, Joe Biden was struggling with fatigue.

Joe Biden’s eyes close

A video circulating on Twitter showed the 78-year-old President of the United States closing his eyes several times while listening to a speech with his arms crossed. Only when a young man speaks to him does he seem a little more awake again. He claps at the end of the speech, but also rubs his eyes right away.

Biden had only traveled to Glasgow from Rome this Monday for the G20 summit to kick off the world climate summit.


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