Joe Biden touts Western unity against Russia

The American president, who is about to address Congress for his first “state of the union” address, should welcome the sanctions adopted unanimously by the major powers.

Boast about Western and NATO response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. On the sixth day of the war between Kiev and Moscow and while the Ukrainian capital could fall overnight, Joe Biden is preparing to speak before Congress.

“We were ready”

The American leader will try to reassure an America very worried by the Russian invasion in Ukraine, while the country remains traumatized by the debacle of its army in Kabul.

“Putin was wrong. We were ready”, will explain the American president to welcome the united front presented by the United States and the European Union against Russia.

The tenant of the White House can already be satisfied with a diplomatic victory. If the American tactic which consisted in February of gradually revealing information on Russian strategy did not prevent the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, it strengthened NATO against Vladimir Putin.

“We have learned a lesson”

“In our history we have learned this lesson: if dictators do not pay the price for their aggression, they cause even more chaos”, will also declare the American president in his first “address on the state of the Union”, of which the White House broadcast a short excerpt in advance.

According to a Washington Post-ABC poll, 80% of Americans, including more than three-quarters of Democrats and Republicans, view Russia as hostile or even an enemy.

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