Joe Biden insults reporter during White House roundtable

About an hour after the incident, the US president called the Fox News reporter targeted by the insult, to assure him that there was “nothing personal” in his reaction.

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New blunder or assumed skid? Joe Biden insulted a journalist on Monday, January 24, during a round table at the White House. Asked by Peter Doocy of the conservative channel Fox News, the conservatives’ favorite channel, about the possibility that inflation is a political handicap, the American president replied ironically: “It’s a great asset. No more inflation.” And to conclude, thinking perhaps to have his microphone off: You asshole.”

About an hour after the incident, Joe Biden called Peter Doocy to assure him there was no “nothing personal” in his reaction, which surprised and sparked an avalanche of criticism. The insult subsequently appeared as is (“What a stupid son of a bitch” in VO) in the transcript of the meeting sent Monday evening by the White House. This blunder is a new sign of the nervousness of the 79-year-old Democrat, faced with an anemic popularity rating.

Inflation, at an unprecedented level in 40 years, is particularly affecting Americans less than ten months before the midterm elections, which promise to be particularly complicated for the Democrats. Monday’s exchange contrasts sharply with the customary bonhomie of Joe Biden, who has promised to reconcile America and usually avoids the excesses of language of his predecessor Donald Trump.

Known for the incisive tone of his questions, the journalist targeted by the presidential insult, Peter Doocy, took the situation with humor. “No one has yet verified the veracity of his words”, he reacted on his channel a few minutes later. In the evening, Peter Doocy reported on Fox News that the president called him about an hour after the incident. “He told me ‘It’s nothing personal, friend'”said the journalist.

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