Joe Biden calls Supreme Court ‘extremist court’

After overturned abortion law
US President Joe Biden calls Supreme Court “extremist court”

Joe Biden speaks during a virtual meeting with Democratic governors on abortion rights in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus

© Evan Vucci/AP/DPA

Joe Biden makes no secret of the fact that he does not share the Supreme Court’s decision. He wants to legalize abortion rights nationwide. But there is a problem.

US President Joe Biden has once again attacked the US Supreme Court after its decision on abortion rights. “I share the public outrage at this extremist court,” Biden said at a meeting with governors on Friday. The court wants to take America back in time and curtail rights.

Under ex-President Donald Trump, the Supreme Court has moved far to the right. Biden also indicated that before the congressional elections in the fall he sees no way to suspend an age-old rule in the Senate to legislate for a nationwide abortion right in the United States.

“Right now we don’t have the votes in the Senate,” he said. He hopes that will change after the elections in November. Biden’s Democrats currently only have a wafer-thin majority in the Senate. They control 50 seats, i.e. exactly half – and are therefore regularly slowed down by the so-called filibuster. Not all Democrats are behind the suspension of the filibuster either. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema have previously opposed it.

Joe Biden warns of the danger of a nationwide abortion law

The filibuster is a more than 100-year-old regulation that states that for many bills, 60 of the 100 senators must agree to an end to the debate before there can even be a vote in the congressional chamber. Biden warned that Republicans may get enough spirit in the fall to push legislation through Congress banning abortion nationwide.

The Supreme Court overturned abortion rights last week, arguing it was unconstitutional. Since there is no statewide law protecting the right, the legislature now rests with the states. The court also significantly slowed down Biden’s climate agenda with a decision on Thursday. In the coming session, it will be hearing, among other things, a case on electoral law that could have significant consequences for the 2024 presidential election.


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