Joe Biden and six Democrats who are eligible as presidential candidates

The midterms in the USA are coming up at the beginning of November. The election campaign is on, and both parties hope that they can set the course for moving into the White House (again). While Republicans ask “Does he or doesn’t he?” when asked about ex-President Donald Trump, the question for Democrats about Joe Biden is more like “Can he or can’t he?”

The incumbent president is apparently determined to run again. But Joe Biden is already the oldest president the United States has ever had. In November 2024 he will be 81 years old. Given his age, he doesn’t exactly exude dynamism and a spirit of optimism. And in some polls, his approval ratings were around 35 percent. This is anything but an invitation to start again.

If not Joe Biden, then who?

Of course, no Democrat will run against their own President. But if Biden doesn’t do it anymore – and according to political observers most in the party believe that – who should do it then? Who would be ready to take over the incumbent’s legacy? Vice President Kamala Harris is the first to come to mind. The list of those who would come into question is not too long. And it consists of well-known names. With the exception of Harris, everyone tried it last time – and could not assert themselves in the internal competition. That’s not a recommendation either, but: New election campaign, new opportunity.

Source: “The Hills”


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