Jochen Breyer at Markus Lanz: world champion of double standards – media

The talk with Markus Lanz brings it to light: You rarely get life as pure as you would like it to be. The World Cup in Qatar is an example of this, as Jochen Breyer shows in his documentary and in the discussion.


Holger Gertz

Double standards are definitely Markus Lanz’s favorite word that night, and the term is actually programmatically above the debates about the dawning football World Cup in Qatar: that this emirate is welcome in Germany, for example as a supplier of liquid gas – but the World Cup want itself some people in Germany prefer not to watch because essential human rights are disregarded in Qatar. Highly topical debate, freshly fueled by the ZDF sports reporter Jochen Breyer, in whose documentary “Geheimsache Qatar” the former international and current World Cup ambassador Khalid Salman explained that in his opinion being gay is “mental damage”. He whispers it in English in the film: A damage in the mind.

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