Joachim Sauer: The “First Husband” also goes with Merkel

Chancellor’s husband
In the shadow of the Chancellor: “First Husband” Joachim Sauer also goes with Merkel

Start of the Richard Wagner Festival with a new production of the opera “The Flying Dutchman”. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and her husband Joachim Sauer come to the festival hall on the Green Hill.

© Daniel Karmann / DPA

During her time as Chancellor, Joachim Sauer was Angela Merkel’s husband as the “First Husband”. Nevertheless, joint appearances in public were rather rare. Farewell to a man who, although in the shadow of the Chancellor, was always at her side.

He never looked for the flash or the limelight. As the nation’s “First Husband”, Joachim Sauer was a bit of a phantom. Sometimes he appeared in pictures next to his wife, the Federal Chancellor. But he rarely showed himself in public. And not much is known about himself or about his private life with his wife Angela Merkel.

Nevertheless: During the 16 years of his wife’s chancellorship, Joachim Sauer was at the side of Angela Merkel. On state visits, for example, like recently in France or at the Bayreuth Festival – which is already a tradition for the Sauer / Merkel couple as fans of classical music.

Joachim Sauer stayed and is a scientist through and through

No wonder the press gave it the name “Phantom of the Opera”. Interviews about life as a Chancellor’s husband? Even a home story on the sofa at home with coffee and biscuits? Not with Professor Sauer! At most he spoke about his work as a quantum chemist. After all, he was a professor of physical and theoretical chemistry for almost 25 years.

The fact that Sauer continued to work as a scientist during his time as “First Husband” also shows that he did not just want to be an “appendage” of the Chancellor, that he always stands next to the Chancellor with a nice smile. That should also set standards for future “first ladies” or “first husbands” who will come to Germany.

Merkel is congratulated by Emmanuel Macron (M) after being awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, Joachim Sauer on the left

The Executive Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is congratulated by Emmanuel Macron (M), President of France, after being awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, Merkel’s husband Joachim Sauer on the left

© Philippe Desmazes / AFP POOL via AP / DPA

Sauer also incorporated his love of science at the major politicians’ summits when he invited the spouses of the heads of state and government from abroad to the supporting program. It is probably thanks to him that the “women’s program” is now called the “partner program”. At the G8 summit in 2007 in Heiligendamm, after a hike, the Damen and Sauer gave a lecture on population development in the G8 countries. At the G7 summit in 2015 at Schloss Elmau, the program for the partners was rounded off with a scientific lecture.

Down to earth, sober, businesslike – like his wife

Sauer and Merkel met in GDR times, in 1984 at the Academy of Sciences. Sauer supervised the young physicist on her doctoral thesis. In their private life, the two of them like – in addition to classical music – cross-country skiing and hiking, especially in South Tyrol or in southern Italy.

But despite his reserved manner, Sauer is by no means apolitical. Years ago, Merkel said in a panel discussion that of course she was talking to her husband about politics. Even during the GDR era, Sauer had always discussed politics and world affairs with his partner, according to Merkel biographer Ralph Bollmann.

Despite – or perhaps because of – his reluctance during the 16 years of his wife’s chancellorship, Joachim Sauer will be missed as “First Husband”. A man who does not put himself in the foreground, does not dominate the gossip and column columns in magazines, does not divulge private life or tries to profit from the fame and power of his wife. A down-to-earth, sober and matter-of-fact person. Just like his wife. That makes him likable.

And what happens after his wife retires? Both will probably be able to do something with their time, as Merkel said at the big press conference in Berlin in the summer. What exactly remains, of course, a private matter. But it can be assumed that a few hikes will be part of it.

rw / With material from the DPA

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