Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults: These games train the brain

Brain jogging
Games for adults: why jigsaw puzzles can counteract the mental decline of old age

Jigsaw puzzles train short-term memory

© Milkos / Getty Images

According to a clinical study by the University of Ulm, which was carried out in cooperation with Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH, regular jigsaw puzzles could prevent possible Alzheimer’s or dementia in old age.

100 cognitively healthy adults were followed for over 50 years. It turned out that a jigsaw puzzle has a positive effect on people as they get older because, among other things, it trains short-term memory. But what is even more important: those who engage in long-term and regular brain jogging, such as with this game, can protect themselves from mental deterioration in old age – this is the result the study. This is partly due to the fact that both hemispheres of the brain are required when searching for and finding the individual parts: When sorting, we have to proceed logically, i.e. use the left half of our brain. When we put it together, on the other hand, we stimulate the left half of our brain, which is where our creative center is, so to speak.

Thanks to the successful cooperation between both sides, the connection between individual brain cells is significantly stronger and more efficient. This in turn leads to an increase in the ability to concentrate. And that’s not all of the positive qualities that a jigsaw puzzle can evoke in us: it improves our imagination, lifts our spirits (due to a sense of achievement) and has a calming effect – which is definitely beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Aside from all the healthy aspects, jigsaw puzzles are just plain fun. Test it yourself!

Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults: These games will stimulate your memory

1. Marvel

There’s a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle for all you Marvel fans out there, featuring the Avengers. The finished result is an area of ​​69 by 50 centimetres. In addition, the game contains a little goodie: a fix-puzzle-adhesive, so that you can also frame the finished motif (if desired) as a picture and hang it up. here there is the puzzle.


For the Disney fans among you, there is also a real treat: a three-dimensional puzzle that requires spatial thinking to complete. The lock, which measures 45 by 27 by 50 centimetres, consists of 216 plastic parts and 96 accessories. You can also play the puzzle together with your children. here get the puzzle.

3. World Map

The historians among you will surely enjoy this jigsaw puzzle: A world map measuring 153 by 101 centimeters is created from a total of 5000 pieces. Since the motif hardly differs in color and consists of many individual parts, only real puzzle experts should try it. After all, you want the job to be fun. here there is the difficult puzzle.

4. wood

For the model builders among you there is a wooden puzzle kit that has been cut with a laser. The total of 172 individual parts result in a three-dimensional structure made of gears, which you can use as a game after completion – with the included balls. here get the 3D wooden puzzle for adult hobbyists.

5. 3D Puzzle

For the thinkers among you, there is also a matching 3D wooden puzzle. Similar to the game Tetris, the task is to put all the pieces together so that they fit seamlessly – and in the end result in a square cube. If you’re up to the challenge, there’s the puzzle here.

6. Elbe Philharmonic Hall

For all those interested in culture, there is Hamburg’s new landmark as a puzzle: the Elbphilharmonie. Even if 10,000 tiles were used in the large hall alone, the game consists of only 1,000 individual parts – after all, one would like to finish with them at some point. You get the 64 by 48 centimeter puzzle here.

7th Art

The artists among you can face this challenge: The masterpiece “The Kiss” by Gutstav Klimt, an important painter from Austria who helped shape Viennese Art Nouveau. The puzzle consists of 200 parts and is only for seasoned professionals and adults due to the complex motif. here find the puzzle.

8. James Rizzi

No less challenging is the 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle by James Rizzi, the well-known pop artpainter from New York. The motif is so difficult that the manufacturer even recommends that the under 14s should not do the puzzle – and that’s saying something. You can be all the prouder when you beat the game. here find the puzzle and rise to the challenge.

How to transport a jigsaw puzzle accident-free

Do you know that too? You’ve only just spread all the pieces of the puzzle over the entire dining table – and suddenly you have to clear the area again because dinner is coming up. But what to do with the parts that have already been assembled without destroying the work done? Here a special mat are used, which you roll out (preferably before the first handshake) and do a puzzle on it. If the work of art needs to be put away later, you can stow it away using the roll that comes with it.

500, 1,000 – 5,000? This is how you puzzle yourself to become a pro

All beginnings are difficult, this also applies to the jigsaw puzzle. For this reason, beginners should start with an easy variant consisting of only 500 pieces: first sort out the edge pieces to build the frame. Then sort the pieces by color and shape. Both can help to get a better overview and to solve the puzzle logically and systematically.

If you are already an advanced jigsaw puzzle expert, you can try a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Since many pieces are similar here, the challenge is much greater – and thus the level of difficulty. If this hurdle is also a piece of cake for you, you can try your hand at a puzzle between 2,000 and 5,000 pieces. Here, however, you should bring a lot of time and patience with you so that you don’t give up after just a few hours.

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