Jessica Haller: This is how she lost 30 kilos

Jessica Haller
So she lost 30 pounds

Jessica Haller got married in December 2021.

© Matthias Wehnert/Shutterstock.

Jessica Haller has now revealed to her Instagram community how she lost 30 kilos after the birth of daughter Hailey-Su.

In May 2021, their daughter Hailey-Su was born. Jessica Haller (31) has now revealed in an Instagram question and answer session how she has lost 30 kilos since birth. “I did at least 40 minutes of exercise almost every day (six times a week), ate healthy, drank a lot of water,” says the influencer.

She also went for a lot of walks with her daughter. “I’ve had to pay a lot of attention to my diet. My genes aren’t the best,” Haller continues. She also has an underactive thyroid, which is why losing weight in the nine months “wasn’t that easy”. Now she weighs as much as before the pregnancy, which she didn’t do “just like that, but with a lot of perseverance”. She recently started intermittent fasting and healthy pre-cooking again. She abstains from alcohol and sweets altogether.

Jessica Haller focuses on sportiness

When asked if she weighed less than 60 kg, the 31-year-old explained: “No. The weight is actually not important to me, it’s much more important to me when I’m physically fit again and can lift weights, my muscles grow and I don’t get back pain right away.” Her current weight is 62 kg.

Her daughter’s father is Johannes Haller (34). Paszka and Haller met in 2017 as part of the dome show “The Bachelorette”. However, love was initially a long time coming, because she chose David Friedrich (32) in the finale of the show. In October 2020, the two found each other and the engagement followed at Christmas. They got married in December 2021.


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