Jérôme Rothen tackles Lucas Paqueta

The terrible defeat of Olympique Lyonnais in Rennes, last Sunday (1-4), continues to talk. The end of the meeting was marked by an altercation between Lucas Paqueta and Houssem Aouar to find out who would take the anecdotal penalty to reduce the score to 4-1. Houssem Aouar seemed however designated as the penalty taker, but his Brazilian teammate grabbed the ball to reduce the score, with annoyance. While the French international felt that the incident was “A small event”, Jérôme Rothen believes that the Brazilian’s attitude was a problem.

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“You take 4-0, but you don’t care about the score, you just want to save your game with a small statistic, one more penalty. It’s easy to take the ball in Aouar. He might have his character, but he’s not a brawler! Because if he falls on a stupid head instead of Aouar, but he gets into the cabbage in Paqueta. And on arrival, there is a fight (…) This kind of behavior, I have known it, even personally. Everyone speaks well of you, you have the impression that you are untouchable… it’s human. But it goes against the collective and the rules. So be careful. Be careful to reframe this kind of players. Lyon will need a strong Paqueta, but a Paqueta focused on the collective, and not focused on its individual stats ”, he said. Peter Bosz’s post-game chat had to be stirred …

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