Jérôme Boateng’s possible return to Bayern: close your eyes and go through?

He was back on the training pitch – but soon back in court. Can FC Bayern Munich afford to re-sign Jérôme Boateng?

By Patrick Strasser

Then he suddenly started training with FC Bayern Munich again, just like that – as if he had never been away. Only the current black training shirt with light green and purple stripes didn’t suit Jérôme Boateng. The teammates in the reservist unit on Sunday morning on Säbener Strasse did. The 35-year-old Boateng kicked and joked on the pitch next to Eric-Maxim Choupo-Moting and Thomas Müller, who were one year younger. Especially with Müller, Boateng won all club titles, the double treble (2013 and 2020) with Bayern, and the World Cup with the German national team in Rio in 2014.

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