Jella Haase: Child planning in view of the climate catastrophe

Jella Haase
Child planning in the face of the climate catastrophe

Actress Jella Haase questions child planning because of the climate crisis.

© taniavolobueva/Shutterstock

Climate catastrophe, Corona, war: The current world situation is also affecting actress Jella Haase’s family planning.

In an interview with the sustainability magazine “2050”, actress Jella Haase (29) talked about how current world problems such as climate catastrophe, corona and war are affecting her family planning: “Right now I’m thinking more: Do I really want to have children?”, so haase.

“Don’t take things too personally”

The Berlin artist herself has been a vegetarian since seventh grade. She also calls for reflection from older generations: “It was four years before my grandfather accepted that I’m a vegetarian and that my food shouldn’t be fried in a meat pan – but then he finally accepted it. We need patience. We don’t have any More time, of course. Nevertheless, we often lack calm. And a thick skin. We can’t take some things too personally. That only slows us down.”

“Politics lack foresight”

The 29-year-old also sees politics as a responsibility: “Politics lack foresight. The fact that it’s always only about the next creative period drives me crazy.” You have to be braver in the long run. “It just has to be easier to behave ecologically than unecologically. And sometimes simpler also means cheaper.”


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