Jean-Michel Aulas leaves the head of Olympique Lyonnais

The American bosses of Eagle Football have terminated the functions of the emblematic 74-year-old leader. The end of an era.

Christopher Discount

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Thirty-six years after taking the reins, Jean-Michel Aulas will leave Olympique Lyonnais. JB Autissier / PANORAMIC

That’s it, it’s over… 36 years after taking the reins, Jean-Michel Aulas will leave Olympique Lyonnais. After the daily revelations The Team, a press release from OL Groupe confirmed that everything was set, that the decision was made, while the Gones remain on a crazy success against Montpellier (5-4)Sunday, during the 34th day of L1. The last game ofJMA” at the head of “her“OL, this club which he took over in June 1987. A club in the red at the bank and which was vegetating in Ligue 2. The 74-year-old manager has made it a stronghold.

At its meeting held on May 5, 2023, the OL Groupe Board of Directors appointed Mr. John Textor as Chairman of the Board of Directors from May 5, 2023 and until the end of his term of office. Director, following the termination of Mr. Jean-Michel Aulas’ duties as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of OL Groupe. Mr. John Textor was also appointed as Chief Executive Officer of OL Groupe as of May 5, 2023, for an interim period, the time to identify and appoint a new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Jean-Michel Aulas will be appointed Honorary President “, indicates the press release.

Under the presidency of Jean-Michel Aulas, the Gones notably won seven titles of champions of France (2002-08). The club now owns its own stadium, the Groupama Stadium, and represents worldwide deference in terms of training and among women. Jean-Michel Aulas, a visionary. Perhaps the greatest president of French football. And this even if some Lyon supporters felt that his decisions had not been so inspired in recent years… In any case, that is the feeling of John Textor, who took charge of OL Groupe in 2022. And this by promising that Aulas would remain master on board “for at least three years“.

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€10 million in compensation

In the end, the differences of opinion between the two men were too great. “The Americans had the primary and priority objective of in-depth restructuring of the sports sector, in particular by setting up a recruitment unit worthy of the name, which “JMA” did not wish to support.“, sum up our colleagues from L’Équipe. Mr. Aulas, 74, is therefore being pushed out, just to allow American leaders to put their paw. Always according to The Teamhe will receive €10 million in severance pay.

A farewell gift with a bitter taste, one imagines, for Jean-Michel Aulas, a successful entrepreneur who will go down in the history of Olympique Lyonnais and French football. A football giant. We have probably not finished hearing about him since his name is mentioned to lead the women’s league. Taulier.

OL Groupe sincerely thanks Mr. Jean-Michel Aulas for his unreserved commitment and dedication to Olympique Lyonnais for more than three decades, during which more than 50 titles have been won for both men’s and women’s teams. OL Groupe is happy to be able to continue to benefit from the expertise and support of Mr. Jean-Michel Aulas“, concludes the press release.

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