Jean-Marc Morandini will be well judged for “corruption of a minor” after the rejection of his appeal in cassation

Passage through the justice box for Jean-Marc Morandini. The Court of Cassation on Tuesday rejected the appeal of the television host accused of “corruption of a minor”. “After having examined both the admissibility of the appeal and the procedural documents, the Court of Cassation finds that there is, in this case, no means of such a nature as to allow the appeal to be admitted”, can we read in this decision. The latter will therefore be well judged for this count.

In November, the Paris Court of Appeal had reversed the aggravating circumstances of incitement by a means of telecommunication and incitement to sexual proposal on a minor, but had nevertheless validated the referral to the criminal court of the host of CNews​ and NRJ12, ordered by the investigating judge in July 2020. His lawyer then seized the highest court of the judiciary.

Sexual proposals and harassment

Jean-Marc Morandini, now 56, was indicted in 2016 after two young men, minors at the time of the facts they denounce, took legal action. In the first complaint, a young man claimed that Jean-Marc Morandini had made sexual proposals to him in SMS exchanges between February and March 2013. The second complainant has since withdrawn.

In another case, Jean-Marc Morandini is also on trial for “sexual harassment” against an actor. His production company “Ne Zappez pas! Production”, of which he is the legal representative, will be judged for “concealed work” with regard to five plaintiffs.

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