Jean Castex and Valérie Pécresse accuse each other of wanting to “burn the cash register”

Who will “burn the box” the most? The competition would be launched between LREM and Valérie Pécresse, if we are to believe the statements to the tunes of “stink balls” which follow one another. The expression was used for the first time by candidate LR in the presidential election, lambasting Emmanuel Macron in September and then during the vote on the 2022 budget. Prime Minister Jean Castex turned the formula against her in an interview broadcast this Sunday on radio J.

“She promises not to burn the cash register. But if I add up the proposals she makes, she burns it considerably, ”he quips. “She explains to us that she is financing this by reducing civil servant posts. But by telling us that it creates a lot in justice, the judiciary (…) Let it tell us how we do it. If there are good ideas, I’m always ready to take them, but I don’t see too many”, continues Jean Castex, considering that his proposals change “every three days”.

“It’s the hospital that makes fun of charity” for Philippe Juvin

Coming from the same political family as Valérie Pécresse, the head of government also slips that he “did not follow well” what she was proposing on salaries, while the candidate’s camp said Thursday “to rework” the terms of its proposal to increase net wages by 10% in the private sector up to 2.2 Smic. “Eight days before, she told us: you have constantly changed the health protocols. Only fools don’t change their minds. But I don’t really know what she offers in this regard,” he says.

The response from the Pécresse camp was not long in coming with his health adviser Philippe Juvin on franceinfo: “It is the hospital that makes fun of charity because it is a matter of cash burnout, I think we have the champions of the world currently with a President of the Republic who walks all over France and who writes bad checks”. “Because currently any additional expenditure by the State is an expenditure financed by the taxes of your great-grandchildren probably. This now skips several generations, ”he said, referring to the growing debt.

Valérie Pécresse also returned to France 3 on these attacks: “I can see that I worry them, I can see that they are afraid because they know that I am the only one who can beat Emmanuel Macron”. “My program is in total rupture with macronism,” she assured.

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