Jay Scheib relies on AR glasses for his Bayreuth “Parsifal” – culture

So this is the thing. Looks rather inconspicuous, like a pair of thick sunglasses, sits loosely on the nose, and has a cable hanging from it. And yet, these little glasses are this summer’s most talked about opera accessory. AR glasses that will be used in the new production of “Parsifal” at the Bayreuth Festival, which will premiere on Tuesday. To be more precise: 330 spectators per performance will wear such glasses and thus experience more than the almost 1700 who do not have them. And what are they experiencing? “It’s basically a Pixar film that’s over four hours long.” That says Jay Scheib, director of “Parsifal”. You meet him in Bayreuth to have the thing demonstrated. But unfortunately that is not possible. But he explains what that means.

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