Japan and South Korea: North Korea tests ballistic missiles again

As of: 06/15/2023 3:57 p.m

North Korea has reportedly fired ballistic missiles again. There are no reports of damage. Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida spoke of a “reckless act”.

The self-proclaimed nuclear power North Korea has fired two ballistic missiles, according to Japanese and South Korean sources. The missiles flew in the direction of the sea between the Korean peninsula and Japan, said the general staff in the South Korean capital Seoul.

Japan’s Ministry of Defense said the projectiles fell into the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around 200 nautical miles wide off the coast of Japan. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said there were no reports of damage. He called the rocket launches a “reckless act” that would escalate provocations against the international community. The Japan Coast Guard warned ships sailing between the Korean Peninsula and Japan and in the North Pacific of falling debris.

reaction to artillery maneuvers

The North Korean test was the first launch of a North Korean missile since an attempt to launch a spy satellite failed in late May. Shortly before, North Korea had threatened to react to US and South Korean artillery maneuvers in the region.

According to the South Korean Defense Ministry, 2,500 soldiers from South Korea and the United States took part in the five rounds of exercises. Stealth aircraft, attack helicopters, tanks and drones were used.

UN decisions ban North Korea from launching ballistic missiles

“Only a strong military – which can fight and defeat the enemy and which the enemy dares not even challenge – can guarantee the freedom, peace and prosperity of the Republic of Korea,” said South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

UN decisions prohibit North Korea from launching any ballistic missiles. Depending on the design, these can be equipped with a nuclear warhead.

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