Jan Böhmermann uncovered mistakes in the police: This is how you react in Mainz

“ZDF Magazin Royale”
Gross error in advertisements: Mainz police react to Böhmermann criticism

In the last episode of “ZDF Magazin Royale” before the summer break, Jan Böhmermann and his team put the police on the subject of cybercrime


The “ZDF Magazin Royale” around moderator Jan Böhmermann had examined and criticized the handling of the police with advertisements in a program on Friday. A first authority in Rhineland-Palatinate has now announced that it will significantly optimize the online watch.

The Mainz police have reacted to the criticism of “ZDF Magazin Royale” and, according to their own statements, have already improved the possibilities for reporting hate crimes on the Internet. The online police station in Rhineland-Palatinate has been significantly optimized in this area, the authority said on Twitter on Saturday. The criticism is taken seriously and the many hints from the program will be incorporated into the optimization.

Jan Böhmermann tests 16 police stations – involuntarily

The editors behind moderator Jan Böhmermann had already tried last year to report seven obviously criminally relevant hate messages to police stations in all 16 federal states.

In several cases, the reports were not even taken up, later not followed up or only sloppily investigated. Böhmermann described the sluggish investigation process in his program. Death threats were displayed, as were anti-Semitic content and anti-constitutional, right-wing extremist symbols.

In Mainz, according to ZDF, the reports were received by police inspection 2 in August 2021 and recognized as criminally relevant. However, the employee was refused anonymous submission of the complaint. According to the editorial team, the results of the investigation did not reach the public prosecutor’s office in Mainz until nine months after the report was filed. The investigations are not yet complete.

The Mainz police did not explain which optimizations were specifically made to the online guard.


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