James Middleton: Princess Kate’s brother becomes a dad for the first time

James Middleton
Princess Kate’s brother becomes a dad for the first time

James Middleton is set to become a father later this year.

© imago/Future Image

Sweet news from the Middletons: James, Princess Kate’s brother, is expecting a child with his wife Alizee Thevenet.

Apparently this year, Princess Kate’s (41) children will have a little playmate. James Middleton (36), the younger brother of the Princess of Wales, becomes a father for the first time. He announced this on Instagram, where he published two photos showing his wife Alizee Thevenet with two dogs and a clearly visible baby bump.

“We couldn’t be more excited…well, Mable might be,” he writes about the cute shots, referring to his golden retriever lady. “Having lost my beloved Ella it has been a very difficult start to the year but we will end the year with the most precious little addition to our growing family.” So Middleton’s first child is expected at the end of the year. With his partner Alizee Thevenet he has been married since September 2021.

James Middleton announced in January that his beloved dog Ella had passed away. She was by his side for 15 years and died in his arms after a very short illness. He will “miss her terribly” he had written on Instagram at the time.

That’s why the Middleton baby is lucky

Explained in May the great dog lover to the British “Ok!” magazinethat the children of Kate and Prince William (41), his niece Charlotte (8) and his nephews George (9) and Louis (5) are fortunate in his opinion to be growing up with a dog. His daughter or son will now have this luck too.

When Kate and William wanted to add a dog to their family in 2011, they settled on one of Ella’s puppies, Lupo. After his death, James gave the family a Cocker Spaniel lady, Orla. Especially Princess Charlotte is said to have a very special relationship with Orla.


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