James Franco: He speaks openly about his sex addiction

James Franco
He speaks openly about his sex addiction

James Franco has admitted having sex with acting students.

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James Franco has spoken out about his sex addiction. He also admitted having sex with former drama students.

Two former drama students accused Hollywood star James Franco (43) in 2019, among other things, of having sexually exploited them in an acting and film school he founded. So far, the actor had always denied the allegations, but now he has admitted having sex with the women in an interview.

In a detailed conversation with Jess Cagle (56) from the radio station SiriusXM he stated that at the time he thought his actions were okay because the sex was “consensual”. “I admit that I slept with schoolgirls (…) and that was wrong,” he said. At that time he was “not clear in the head”.

However, he stressed that he did not set up his drama school to sleep with female students. “There was no master plan on my part.” Two drama students had sued him for damages after accusing him of intimidating them through “exploitative sexual situations” and abusing his power. In July 2021, the 43-year-old reportedly agreed to a payment of around $ 2.2 million to settle a lawsuit.

James Franco “cheated” and “hurt” everyone for years

The actor spoke in the interview also open about his sex addiction. The attention of women he was with was “such a strong drug” that he was “addicted for 20 years”. His sister-in-law Iris Torres, the wife of Tom Franco (41), finally gave him a book about sex and love addiction. This hit him “like a bullet”: “Oh my god, that’s me.” In front of his current partner, Isabel Pakzad, he had “cheated” and “injured” everyone. In the past four years, however, he has worked a lot on himself.


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