James Cameron: Will he drop “Avatar 4” and “Avatar 5”?

Does he drop “Avatar 4” and “Avatar 5”?

James Cameron could give up the ‘Avatar’ director’s chair.

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James Cameron hints in an interview that he’s directing the announced sequels “Avatar 4” and “Avatar 5”.

James Cameron (67) has in an interview with “Empire” magazine announced that he’s not ruling out stepping down the direction of “Avatar 4” and “Avatar 5.” “I’m also developing some other things that are exciting,” the director explained, adding, “I think at some point – I don’t know if it’s after part three or four – I want to hand over the baton to a director who that I trust so I can do some other stuff that I’m interested in too. Or maybe not. I don’t know yet.”

Cameron has planned a four-movie sequel to the success story of Avatar. The first of these films, Avatar: The Way Of Water, hits theaters this December, and the untitled third film is set to follow in 2024. Both were filmed back to back. “Avatar 4” and “Avatar 5” will later go into production and also be filmed together.

James Cameron wants to tell “big story”.

In an interview with “Empire”, Cameron explains how important the film series is to him. “Anything I want to say about family, sustainability, climate, nature, the issues that are important to me in real life and in my film life, I can say on screen,” said the director. He therefore very much hopes for the success of parts two and three, so that “we can do four and five, because ultimately it’s a big story”.

“Avatar” is considered the most successful film in cinema history. On December 14, 2022, the sequel “Avatar: The Way Of Water” will premiere in Germany. In the second part, Sam Worthington (45), Zoe Saldana (44) and Sigourney Weaver (72) will play again. Kate Winslet (46) and Michelle Yeoh (59) are also there. If everything goes according to plan, “Avatar 5” should be the end of the series in 2028.


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