Jacques Dutronc cancels the end of his tour with his son Thomas and says his “farewell to the scene”

End of career for Father Dutronc? A press release from his record company entitled “Jacques Dutronc has paid for his last tour” casts doubt. At the same time, Thursday, his son Thomas announced on RTL the premature end of their joint tour: “It stops because my father prefers to stop now”.

“It’s his style not to do too much, he prefers to be rare (…) We have the impression, we, to stop in the middle of the tour”, explains Dutronc junior. The two men performed for the last time on Wednesday evening in Paris at Bercy (Accor Arena). The record company’s press service even speaks of the “farewell” of Jacques Dutronc, 79, “at the stage”.

Surprise comeback remains commonplace

Thomas is not so definitive. “I’m sure he’ll regret not continuing, because we (had) made him a show with little onions. He sang wonderfully, a really fabulous voice, “said the singer on RTL. Surprise comebacks are commonplace in showbiz, even at older ages. Jacques Dutronc had already agreed to leave his previous musical retirement in Corsica at the request of his son.

“It is true that he did not return home, to Corsica, during the whole tour, adds his son on RTL. He stayed on the continent, it’s not easy. And then, he will be 80 years old (in April). He’s worried about not holding up.” “Anyway, whatever he chose, he wouldn’t have been happy. I know him. He loves concerts. It’s everything around that is a bit complicated, ”concludes his son.

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