“It’s risky, but it can work”… The Macronists are getting motivated for the “return match”

At Renaissance HQ, at the Maison de la Mutualité

It was enough for Emmanuel Macron to pronounce the words “Article 12” for many to understand. “No!” No ! » Desperate echoes in the room. And if the applause of the supporters of the “Need for Europe” list, gathered this Sunday evening at the Maison de la Mutualité, very quickly takes over, it is not enough to hide the serious expressions, sometimes shocked, which stare at the Big screen. The president has just announced the dissolution of the National Assembly.

Arthur, 25, has hands trembling. At first disoriented, he regains his composure as best he can: “If the president chose this solution, it is because he knows what he is doing. The extremes have parasitized the European elections. They won’t be able to do it this time. » If he tries to convince himself, Arthur seems to rub off on Sandrine, 56, who doesn’t really know what she should think: “It’s a real surprise. I think he’s trying something. Perhaps he wants to bring Bardella to the post of Prime Minister to destroy the RN from the inside? It’s risky, but it can work. »

Behind Macron, whatever happens

One by one, the activists try to find an explanation for the bomb dropped by the head of state. Then the obvious seems to jump out at us, in a contagious way: The president offers an unexpected return match.

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A sort of euphoria then took hold of a large part of the audience, who understood that the campaign was resuming. For Tim, 25, this is proof of Emmanuel Macron’s great listening skills: “I really didn’t expect it. But he proves once again that he takes the results into account and understands what the French want. If he hadn’t done it, he would have been blamed. »

Chems, 18 years old and already among the “Young people with Macron”, believes that the move is almost genius: “The president heard what the French wanted to say through this vote. The RN wanted to nationalize the debate. Let them show off their game on the national stage. » And when asked whether the poker move is not a little risky, the young activist reveals an almost approving pout, then kicks in: “Emmanuel Macron knows how to draw the consequences of a vote. »

Excuses turn into arguments

Reversing such a score in three weeks definitely gives you a cold sweat. To reassure ourselves, the same elements which served a few hours earlier as excuses for defeat then become arguments. For Martine Leguille-Balloy, former LREM MP for Vendée, “the French must clarify their choice”, and this new ballot must push them to do so. “There was a really upset first five-year term. Maybe people haven’t recovered well from Covid-19. Do they know what they want? There are sometimes inconsistent things among citizens, they may not have understood the dangers that are lurking at Europe’s door. We need to explain it to them again. »

For the former elected official, the problem also comes from other political parties. Éric Dupond-Moretti, who speaks at the same time on France 2 and appears on the giant screen, places the blame on La France Insoumise and the disruption of the debates in the Assembly. Some of the activists acquiesce.

Tonight is a debacle, but they have found the flame again. The proof with the ovation reserved for the head of the list, Valérie Hayer, upon her arrival on stage. At the start of the evening, she was “without charisma” for some, “lacking notoriety” for others. She is now a martyr on the altar of the Macronists.

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