It’s raining less and less in the department and it sucks

Precious drachma. The reputation of a North where it rains all year round is definitely obsolete and this is not necessarily good news. Alas, the good weather too often reserves unpleasant surprises for the inhabitants of the department. If the presence of the sun in our sky is not associated with episodes of atmospheric pollution, it is associated with a state of drought. It is on this last point that the authorities are alerting this Thursday.

Last summer, which was particularly rainy, constituted a kind of truce for groundwater in the North after four years of drought and before a summer 2022 which promises to be dangerously dry. And it is not this winter, “one of the mildest since 1947”, which will have allowed the soil to replenish its water reserves.

A call for civic-mindedness and everyone’s reason

Everyone will have noticed that the weather has been rather mild in recent months. It’s pretty great for sunbathing in your garden but the consequence is a rainfall deficit of the order of “+50%” announces the northern prefecture. The lack of precipitation is felt on the level of the rivers “strongly impacted, with a very significant and generalized drop in flows”.

The observation is clear and the forecasts are not optimistic. Thus, “the North department is therefore placed on drought vigilance”, declare the authorities. Everyone is asked to reduce their water consumption and withdrawals from natural environments in order to prevent the situation from getting worse. A call for good citizenship and reason but no restrictive measures yet. This could happen quickly depending on the evolution of the situation.

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