“It’s no use waiting, he’s fired”, story of an eventful day in front of the FFF

The prices were attractive. On the market installed on boulevard de Grenelle (in the 15th arrondissement, in Paris), in front of the French Football Federation, you could find a small turtleneck top at 8 euros, jogging at 15 euros or t-shirts at 5 euros. A great deal, even if the quality did not seem to be there. We do not know its price, but Noël Le Graët, for his part, took a nice jacket on Tuesday. Before the executive committee, the president endorsed his withdrawal in the middle of the afternoon.

Entangled in an endless controversy, the former president of En Avant Guingamp arrived early Tuesday at the headquarters of the FFF – followed by a paparazzi on a motorcycle, according to some journalists who arrived first on the spot – in order to explain to this famous Comex, made up of fourteen people, which he had brought together at 11 o’clock. Among this big dozen leaders, some faces were unknown to the forty journalists present on site. So much so that the former referee Antony Gautier, new head of arbitration, left the institution in the midst of journalists without being arrested.

Trombinoscope and excitement

However, as soon as a person in a suit and tie approached the premises of the FFF, some took a quick look at the little homemade trombinoscope prepared in advance? “Is that him, Philippe Lafrique? Yes, it was him. The one who manages relations with the Districts at the FFF was the first to show the tip of his nose inside the FFF. First, brief, moment of excitement for the journalists in the morning, gathered in front of the entrance to the Federation in search of the slightest clue that would brighten up a cool morning.

So, when Vincent Labrune is seen in his car, an entire hive throws itself at him. The president of the LFP, who has made everyone turn in circles by going around the block of houses with his vehicle from which he comes out with a firm step and the wick in the wind, indicates that “the status quo [à la tête de la FFF] was not an option”, before rushing into the building, well supervised by a security guard.

For the latter, the morning was difficult. After having spent most of the time filtering the entrances so as not to let any journalist enter the premises of the 3F, he gave of his person to protect Jean-Michel Aulas, the last member of the Comex to appear. The president of Olympique Lyonnais did not wish to comment before the meeting. And didn’t do much after that.

“We no longer support these models for youth”

Between these two moments, nothing or almost. Three hours of waiting in the cold, wondering whether to take the risk of going for a little meal, considering spending the whole afternoon and even the beginning of the evening in the company of the heavy noise of the metro , to answer questions from tourists who thought they were “seeing a star”. Fortunately, there was this postman on a bicycle, honking, telling us that “there was no point in waiting, Le Graët was going to be fired anyway. »

There was also, for a few minutes, the happening of the feminist collective Les Dégommeuses, which demanded the resignation of the president of the FFF. “We no longer support these models for youth. We are fighting against that, explained Nathanaelle Gerbaux. We hope he will resign, so that the FFF finally becomes a beautiful Federation. We’ve known for years what’s going on. Even before the World Cup, it was endless hateful, racist, homophobic remarks. We can’t take it anymore. »

Le Graët “was very unhappy”

And then, a little before 2 p.m., everything accelerated. First there was Jean-Michel Aulas and Vincent Labrune who were seen, in the distance, chatting. The hope, among the herd of journalists, that the executive committee was finally over. And then the two men disappeared, before leaving through the main entrance: “No comments, wait for the press release”, reacted Aulas, who, before getting into his car, nevertheless underlined that Noël Le Graët “was very unhappy”.

The president of the French Football Federation had just recorded his withdrawal until the conclusions of the audit carried out by the Ministry of Sports. In the meantime, it is Philippe Diallo who will take care of the interim. The one who was until now “only” vice-president was seen in the entrance hall, chatting with a collaborator, before turning back and returning to his offices, under the eyes of journalists who hoped for an official reaction. . In vain.

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