Italy: The city of Pozzuoli and the fear of the supervolcano (video)

Watch the video: Pozzuoli and the fear of the supervolcano – “Where should we run?”

Pozzuoli is a town west of Naples. The place is characterized by volcanic activity. The Phlegraean Fields are located there. And earthquakes happen here again and again. But recently the tremors have taken on worrying proportions, as residents say: Annamaria Scardi, resident “I’ve been living here for years. To be honest, our ‘Solfatara’, as we call this area, always shook a bit. But there was still never been so strong. Now the problem has become serious. Really, very, very serious. Because the last quake we had was scary. It was terrible. Even the small quakes, even the tiny ones, scare us a lot now. We are worried because the only option is to run away. But where? Yes, where?” Vincenzo Russo, resident “My family is divided between those who want to stay and those who don’t want to stay. I want to stay, but my wife and children are looking for a house in the Castel Volturno area. Because when you sleep at night Then there’s always this nightmare. That’s just the situation. It doesn’t matter whether you’re lying on the sofa or anything else. There are always bigger or smaller earthquakes. Just yesterday before lunch we had two small earthquakes.” Millions of people live in the immediate vicinity of Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields. Over 1,100 earthquakes were documented in the region last month alone. The danger is known. There is therefore increased observation by experts here. Mauro di Vito, director of the Vesuvius Observatory INGV “At this moment, of course, our greatest attention is focused primarily on the Phlegraean Fields. Even if we also keep an eye on the other volcanoes. You can see ongoing activity. We are currently experiencing tremors, earthquakes, ground deformations , gas escaping, and a number of processes that indicate that this system is in a special phase.” There was only a violent earthquake at the end of September. According to official information, it came at a magnitude of 4.2. But the experts emphasized that there was no immediate danger and there is currently none. However, they note that volcanic activity causes increased uplift and subsidence of the ground, which in turn could lead to destabilization of buildings.

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