It has its strengths: Duchess Kate will continue the legacy of the Queen

Change in the British royal family
Monarchy prepares for time after the Queen – Kate is already continuing her legacy

The British royal family is preparing for the change of the throne: Duchess Kate is already continuing the Queen’s traditions

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Many generations only know Queen Elizabeth on the British throne. But now the preparations for the time after her are intensifying behind the palace walls. In the center: Prince William and Duchess Kate.

Duchess Kate celebrates her 40th birthday on January 9th and this day will usher in an exciting new decade in her life. Already now it is increasingly noticeable that the various teams within the royal family are preparing for the change of the throne. This is what the Telegraph columnist Hannah Furness recently wrote. Accordingly, topics that affect the future of the monarchy would no longer only be discussed with the Queen, but also with Prince Charles and Prince William. A signal for change in the royal family.

The plan for the time after Queen Elizabeth’s death has been in place for years

It’s no secret that the institution has been preparing to run smoothly after the Queen’s demise for years. The plan for informing the public of the monarch’s death, when the Privy Council will meet and Charles will be proclaimed the new king, was leaked a few years ago. “Operation London Bridge” doesn’t have to be set in motion just yet – the plans are just a constant reminder that there will be a time after Queen Elizabeth II. Even if that is almost inconceivable for generations of people.

In 2022 the British Queen will be able to celebrate a new milestone: her platinum anniversary, 70 years on the throne. Nobody else has done it before her. She is a monarch of the century – who carefully plans her legacy.

It is said that the Queen advised her grandson William not to fly in a helicopter with his family in the future. She was “scared” because an accident could endanger the succession to the throne, according to a source for the daily newspaper “The Sun”. The fact is that the Cambridges regularly fly by helicopter for work appointments in the country. This usually affects Prince William and wife Kate. When the two of them travel from their London seat in Kensington Palace to their country manor in Notes Hall in Norfolk on vacation or on weekends, they also take the helicopter. The three children they share are usually there too. The eldest son, Prince George, ranks third in the line of succession. God forbid something might happen to them, but if they did, Prince Harry would suddenly advance. A scenario that no one – including the Duke of Sussex – likes to imagine.

Duchess Kate continues the legacy of the Queen in her work

Prince William and Duchess Kate embody the bright future of the British monarchy. Above all, there are great hopes for the future queen. The middle-class girl will not rule, but she will be the Windsors’ figurehead at the side of her husband. Ten years after the wedding, Kate seems to have arrived and feeling more secure. For the first time this Christmas she will host a major concert that was recorded for television. The Duchess of Cambridge can be seen in the first pictures with a perfect hairstyle, a radiant smile and a festive outfit.

It is her strengths and weaknesses that are reminiscent of the Queen: Impeccable appearance, excellent manners, but really – like her sister-in-law Meghan – Kate will never feel in front of the camera. In order to inspire the British for the monarchy and to strengthen the royal family, they don’t have to. Strength through continuity and a certain expectancy are the legacy of Elizabeth II that will live on in Kate.

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