Israel live ticker: ++ Terrorists attack IDF soldiers in the south of the Gaza Strip ++

Live ticker War in the Middle East

Terrorists attack Israeli soldiers in the south of the Gaza Strip

“There are two versions of the incidents – it is always a war for the truth”

The Hamas Ministry of Health said the ambulance was trying to take the wounded toward the Rafah border crossing. 13 people were killed and 26 others were seriously injured in the attack. War reporter Paul Ronzheimer classifies the events from Tel Aviv.

Fighting in the south of the Gaza Strip: Hamas supporters fired at Israeli soldiers with anti-tank rockets. The Israeli military returned fire. In addition, a road is to be opened on Sunday so that civilians can escape from the north of the strip. More in the live ticker.

IIn the Gaza Strip, fighting between the Israeli army and the Islamist Hamas continues unabated. Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli soldiers in the south of the Gaza Strip near the border with anti-tank missiles early Sunday morning, the Jerusalem Post newspaper reported. The Israeli military fired back. A good week after the start of the Israeli ground operation, the Israeli army took journalists into the contested Palestinian territory.

Since the beginning of the war, the army has repeatedly called on civilians in the north of the Gaza Strip to flee to the south of the coastal area sealed off by Israel for their own safety. According to the military, at least around 700,000 people have already done this. The army once again gave civilians in the Gaza Strip a window of opportunity to flee to the south of the coastal area on Sunday.

The Israeli armed forces would allow traffic on a southbound road between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. local time, an Israeli army spokesman wrote on Platform X on Saturday evening. The army also published a map showing the designated road.

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All developments in the live ticker:

4:44 a.m. – Israeli Defense Minister: “Eliminate” Hamas head

Israeli ground troops are also targeting the head of the Islamist Hamas as they advance in the Gaza Strip. Israeli troops are “dismantling one Hamas battalion after another” and would “eliminate Hamas leader Jihia al-Sinwar,” The Times of Israel newspaper quoted Israeli Defense Minister Joav Gallant as saying late Saturday.

“We will find Yahya Sinwar and eliminate him. If Gazans get there before us, it will shorten the war,” Gallant said, according to the report. Israeli troops attacked terror targets in Gaza city from both the south and north and moved into urban areas, it said.

2:17 a.m. – Hamas reports deaths from Israeli attack

According to Hamas, more than 30 people were killed in an Israeli attack on a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Around 100 more people were injured, the Hamas-run health ministry said on Saturday evening. The information cannot be independently verified. At the Al Maghazi Camp It is a camp founded in 1949, which is now a permanent building. An Israeli military spokesman said it was checking whether the Israeli army was deployed in the area at the time.

1:22 a.m. – Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Europe and the US

Thousands of people have taken part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations around the world. In London, the police assumed around 30,000 participants at a demonstration in Trafalgar Square in the center of the British metropolis. The demonstrators called for an “immediate ceasefire” and an “end to the massacre” in the Gaza Strip, with many participants waving Palestinian flags. The police reported eleven arrests.

In the French capital Paris, 19,000 people took to the streets, according to police figures, while the CGT union put the number at 60,000 people. In addition to numerous Palestinian flags, signs reading “Free Palestine” could be seen. Some demonstrators called for a boycott of Israel and held signs reading “Israel is a terrorist state.”

Participants in a demonstration for Palestine and against US support for Israel on Saturday in Washington

Source: AP/Jose Luis Magana

In Washington on Saturday, thousands of people called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. At the largest demonstration in the US capital since Hamas’ major attack on Israel on October 7, some participants also criticized US President Joe Biden and shouted: “Biden, Biden, you can’t hide, you have endorsed genocide.”

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators repeatedly accuse Israel of genocide. The opposite is true: Hamas attacked Israel to kill as many Jews as possible. Israel has the right to self-defense; international law is clear on this issue. However, Israel must adhere to the rules and limits set by international humanitarian law.

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