Israel: Biden hopes Netanyahu’s judicial reform will be abandoned – Politics

The US President says he hopes Israel’s prime minister backs down on his controversial plan. He replies quickly that you are confident and don’t let yourself be pushed by friends.

US President Joe Biden is urging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to abandon controversial judicial reforms. “I hope he moves away from that,” Biden said Tuesday, referring to the proposal that would give the Israeli government greater control over the appointment of the country’s Supreme Court.

Netanyahu immediately responded with a statement. “Israel is a sovereign country that makes its decisions according to the will of its people and not under pressure from abroad, even from their best friends,” he said. His government is trying to bring about reforms “through a broad consensus”.

However, Netanyahu explained that Biden’s demand does not damage the good relations between the two countries. “I have known President Biden for over 40 years and appreciate his longstanding commitment to Israel.” The Israeli-American alliance is unbreakable “and always overcomes the occasional disagreements between us.”

Netanyahu postponed the proposal for judicial reform on Monday after months of demonstrations against the project intensified after Defense Minister Joaw Gallant was dismissed for criticizing the reform.

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