Ismaning – Sprayed smileys call the police on the plan – Munich district

Unknowns let off steam with graffiti deep into the night of Saturday in Ismaning. They applied paint to a total of 30 objects in the middle of the town, whereby the police cannot read any political statements from the applied signs that would possibly call state security into action. According to the police report, the paintings most closely resembled smileys. But the police don’t find it funny. She assumes property damage of several thousand euros. The perpetrators were active between 11 p.m. in the evening and 5 a.m. in the area of ​​the water tower, along Wasserturmstraße in the direction of Unterföhringer Straße and on the slope up to the playground on Schlesierweg. House walls and billboards of various sizes were daubed, but the street was also used as a painting surface, where the largest signs were applied. The perpetrators limited themselves to two colors, red and black. The police are asking witnesses who saw anything suspicious in the area mentioned to contact the Munich police headquarters, Commissariat 23, on 089/29 10-0.

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