Ismaning invests in infrastructure – district of Munich

The municipality of Ismaning does not want to venture too far in this budget year 2022, but this week the local politicians unanimously set the financial framework for further future projects.

On the one hand, the municipality thinks of older residents in its financial planning and is planning a new senior citizens’ residential complex, the construction of which is to be prepared; on the other hand, the new primary school has moved up the list of priorities as the number of families with children continues to grow. The third major project on the list is the new technical town hall, an additional modern administrative building designed to accommodate the municipality’s growing responsibilities and construction activities. Preparatory work has already begun, the technical town hall will be built not far from the community hall next to the municipal underground car park.

In addition to these new investments, Ismaning still has some ongoing renovations to complete. The kindergarten on Dorfstrasse will cost another seven million euros. The sports hall on Osterfeldstraße is also not finished yet (more than 2.5 million euros still have to be raised here). In addition, the municipality supports the renovation of the Kallmann Museum with more than 1.6 million euros; the museum for contemporary and modern art, which is located in the orangery in the palace park, will receive some structural improvements, an arcade and an additional exhibition hall.

If Ismaning has recently added a lot to the day-care centers – the youngest only went into operation in 2021 – the third primary school in the village is now on the agenda. The plans are priced into this year’s budget at 150,000 euros. In particular, the existing elementary school on Kirchplatz has been attending far more children for several years than the school building can actually hold. As an interim solution, the community has built an annexe container building, but parents and teachers are hoping for a quick and lasting relief. For this purpose, the third primary school is to be built on municipal property on Aschheimer Straße, if possible with an additional gym.

The municipality plans on income and expenditure of 145 million euros

Overall, the municipality is planning income and expenditure of a good 145 million euros, of which almost 33.7 million are investments, 16.5 million euros for building construction projects alone. This is not yet the record level of the years 2018 to 2020, when Ismaning planned a budget volume of 176 million at its peak, but the trend is pointing upwards again. Nevertheless, treasurer Christine Weiß calculates rather conservatively, with the income from trade tax as the most important source of income at around 60 million euros. As a financially strong municipality, Ismaning has to pay an amount of almost 39.5 million euros as a district levy, the highest item on the expenditure side before personnel expenses (24.2 million). In order to be able to cope with all investments, the municipality is reaching into its savings bag again this year and withdrawing 15.7 million euros from it as planned. At the end of the financial year, the reserves would still amount to almost 13 million.

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