Is the withdrawal method effective?

Every year, the month of September ends with World Contraception Day, September 26. If we had already talked about the IUD and the condom, this new episode of ” Everything is explained “ continues to explore and demystify methods of contraception. Today, the withdrawal.

Also called “pre-cum”, or “coitus interruptus”, this method consists of “asking the man to withdraw before ejaculation”, explains the gynecologist Philippe Faucher, guest of this episode. With him, as well as Sacha Caline, contraception referent for Family planningwe are going to decipher all the gray areas of this method of contraception.

An irresponsible method?

Because yes, it is one of the methods of contraception recognized by the WHO. As for its use, it is difficult to rely on figures. It is not among the most used methods like the pill, the IUD or the condom. Referring to the last barometer on contraception from Public Health France published in 2016, it is possible to estimate that just under 5% of the population of women use alternative methods of contraception. Among them, the diaphragm, the cape and so-called traditional methods such as symptomothermy, the temperature method and withdrawal, documents the barometer. It is therefore difficult to know to what extent this method is used or not within this 5%.

On the other hand, it does exist, despite a fairly negative view of its use. Unreliable, dangerous, irresponsible: warnings rain down when a woman or man mentions this method as their choice of choice. However, it remains an accessible solution, easy to use and therefore interesting for many women. Can we use this method without risk and with everyone? How to optimize its efficiency? What about sexually transmitted infections? We answer all these questions with Philippe Faucher and Sacha Caline.

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” Everything is explained ” is a weekly interview meeting where we discuss sexuality, health and society. If you have questions on these topics, we send them to health professionals, experts, key witnesses so that they can answer them via podcast.

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