Is the rate of use of AstraZeneca doses greater than 75%, as Olivier Véran asserts?

AstraZeneca’s vaccine against Covid-19 (illustration). – Mourad ALLILI / SIPA

  • Would AstraZeneca’s anti-Covid-19 vaccine be less feared by the public than we think since its brief suspension due to rare cases of thrombosis?
  • This was suggested by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, Thursday, May 4, declaring that its rate of use, although lower than that of other vaccines, remained “higher than 75% of use of the doses that have been received ”.
  • 20 minutes examines this claim.

While the question arises of the best way to sell the doses of AstraZeneca available in France, Olivier Véran defended, at the microphone of Europe 1, the rate of use of this anti-Covid-19 vaccine, criticized because rare cases of thrombosis have occurred in some people.

In response to journalist Sonia Mabrouk, who stressed that the “ratio of use” of this vaccine was “much lower than the others”, the Minister of Health replied: “It is lower, even if it remains higher. […] 75% utilization of the doses that have been received. “

Percentage exact or approximate? We take stock.


According to the crossed figures of Public Health France and of stopped on Sunday, May 2, the usage ratio of AstraZeneca is above 70%.

Of the 5.2 million doses delivered on this date, 3.9 million people have received at least one dose and 30,576 vaccinated with both doses, or 75.4% to be precise. A figure that should however be qualified by the slight shift in schedule, specified by “In order to take into account the constraints of routing and making available doses in establishments and vaccination centers for the AstraZeneca vaccine, deliveries of doses of this vaccine after the Wednesday of a given week are included in the deliveries of the following week. “

Far behind Pfizer and Moderna

In fact, this ratio is actually less than 75.4% since some actual deliveries from the last week will not be counted until next week. The dose utilization rate remains in any case lower than those of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines – whose deployments had started at the end of December 2020 and in January 2021 respectively, against the beginning of February 2021 for AstraZeneca.

As of May 2, the Pfizer vaccine utilization ratio thus stands at 94.1% (with a cumulative total, in the first and second dose injected, of 16.5 million for 17.5 million doses delivered ) and that of Moderna at 84.4% (with a total of 1.8 million injections for 2.2 million doses delivered).

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