Is the EU-wide disability card coming? |

Status: 05/11/2023 3:19 p.m

Around 80 million people live with a disability in the EU. The severely handicapped pass ensures those affected receive help and benefits, which, however, stop at the national borders. Brussels is now promising to introduce an EU-wide version.

A legislative proposal from the EU Commission is overdue, says European Parliamentarian Katrin Langensiepen. As deputy chairwoman of the parliamentary committee for social affairs, she is pushing for more speed.

More than just an icon

It is particularly important to the Greens politicians that the European disability card becomes more than just a symbolic document – Langensiepen demands that it should not only be used abroad for cinema and leisure. People with disabilities should also be able to use the card in the mobility sector. Your main requirement:

For example, I can drive a bus in Strasbourg and Brussels with this card and my companion. Of course, the best way would be to travel by train across the border.

Pilot project in several member states

A pilot project is currently running in several member states. In addition, the experiences with the already valid EU parking permit for people with disabilities would also flow into the planned draft law, the responsible EU Commissioner Helena Dalli informed in writing on request. The aim is for disability status to be mutually recognized in all Member States.

According to Dalli, this involves stays of up to three months. During this time, the European Disability Card should give its holders equal access to the services offered, such as culture, leisure, sport and transport.

Aid has so far differed in EU countries

It should be noted that support for people with disabilities differs from country to country. The European disability card does not affect the type of assistance granted by the individual EU member states.

This also applies to reduced or free use of public transport. For example, people with disabilities can only travel free of charge on the Austrian Federal Railways on their birthday. Otherwise the discount is 50 percent.

An additional document

The EU-wide disability card can therefore only be a first step towards guaranteeing people with disabilities their right to freedom of movement within the EU, believes MEP Katrin Langensiepen. She classifies: “It should be an additional ID to these national IDs.” Of course, given the diverse situations of people with disabilities in the EU, that is not so easy.

Will the ID card come out next spring?

The EU Commission intends to complete a so-called impact assessment of the concrete effects of the legislative initiative by the autumn. The proposal will probably be on the table in November, after which the EU Parliament and the Council of the 27 member states will negotiate it. If everything goes according to plan, the EU disability card could actually be decided before the European elections next spring.

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