Is sex during menstruation still taboo?

In ” Wait a minute ! “, We find our Friday meeting” Everything is explained », Where we discuss sexuality and health. If you have questions on these themes, we send them to professionals and major witnesses for them to answer. How to do ? You leave us a voice message on our answering machine, by clicking on the button below.

In this episode, Anissa Boumediene, journalist at 20 minutes, evokes a question she asked the community of readers of our media: is sex during menstruation still a taboo? It elicited many reactions.

In this exchange, our journalist explains that the subject divides, between quest for freedom of the body and sexuality, organic pain or moral obstacle. There are those for whom there is no problem. And those for whom it is impossible, an absolute taboo.

What is the perception of women’s blood?

So, for many women, the issue of having sex during their period is a non-topic. For them it is a week without sex, especially because of the pain associated with menstruation. There is sometimes a form of shame in feeling desire during this time, which causes some to suppress their urges. Or a distaste expressed by their partner at the idea of ​​being “confronted” with the blood of the period. But in other couples, the rules do not constitute a brake on the consented carnal pleasure. All the explanations of our journalist are to listen in this episode.

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