Is my houseplant sick? 5 signs that indicate poor health

© istock

The leaves begin to fall

A plant’s leaves reflect its health. So, if you notice that your plant is losing more and more leaves, it is then necessary to worry about his state of health. It goes without saying that it is normal for a plant to lose leaves occasionally, since this is part of the normal life cycle of plants: the oldest leaves fall off to make way for new leaves.

But when this leaf fall takes on abnormal proportions, it means that your plant is in trouble. Several reasons can be responsible, which means that to find out what is bothering your plant you must ask yourself the following questions and act accordingly:

Is the plant not exposed to cold or drafts, such as near a door or window?

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Doesn’t the plant suffer from a lack of light?

Try moving your plant, then observe how it reacts.
Isn’t the plant lacking water?

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Isn’t the air too dry for the plant?

Basin your plant, spray its leaves with water and, if necessary, add clay balls to the bottom of its pot. Then over time, remember to water it regularly.

The leaves are turning yellow

If your plant’s leaves are turning yellow, that’s a signal from your plant that something is wrong. This yellowing can sometimes be accompanied by another symptom which will guide you towards the solution to be provided.

YellowingExplanations and solutions
Some leaves turn yellow, then fall.This is the natural cycle of your plant, which is identical to that of all deciduous plants. Let nature take its course!
Yellow and dry leavesIt is then likely that the earth will also be dry. There is no doubt, your plant is dying of thirst. Basin or water it to replenish it with water.
Yellow, soft leavesAttention ! Your plant is rotting. The reason may be that you have watered it too much, that you have installed it in a substrate that is not sufficiently draining, that the pot of your plant is not pierced or that water stagnates in the cup. To remedy this, let the substrate dry well before any further watering and, if necessary, repot your plant in a perforated pot and with suitable potting soil.

The leaves are stained

You have noticed brownish spots on your plant’s leaves ? This is usually a sign that your plant has gotten sunburned. Remember that the vast majority of plants are sensitive to direct sunlight.

For example, if your plant is installed directly behind a window, the sun’s rays can burn it through the glass. It is therefore necessary to move your plant to protect it or to install a curtain which will allow light to pass through while reducing the harmful effects of the sun.

The leaves wither

If you notice that your plant’s leaves are wilting, the problem is probably related to watering. It can be either a lack of water or an excess of water. In this case, simply modify your watering habits to best meet your plant’s hydration needs. When purchasing a plant, do not hesitate to find out beforehand about its needs.

This will allow you to avoid making mistakes that could be fatal.

The leaves have clumps of white dust

If, while inspecting your plant, you notice any sort of small white dots on the leaves, these are generally mealybugs, small insects that feed on the sap of leaves by biting them. It is then necessary to act quickly to rid the plant of these parasites which can cause significant damage to your plant.

To do thisan efficient and ecological solution consists of preparing a mixture of water and black soap, then spraying it over the entire plant without forgetting the underside of the leaves. You can also wipe a cloth soaked in 90° alcohol over the leaves. If necessary, repeat the treatment until these undesirables have completely disappeared.

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