Iran carries out death sentence against Swedish-Iranian nationals

Status: 05/06/2023 12:26 p.m

A Swedish-Iranian citizen has been executed in Iran for alleged involvement in terrorist attacks. According to Iranian information, the political activist is said to have previously confessed to his actions.

Iran has executed a Swedish-Iranian citizen on death row accused of terrorist activities. This was announced by the Misan justice portal.

Habib Faradschollah Chaab was accused, among other things, in 2018 of being the leader of the separatist group he co-founded, the “Arab Fighter Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz”. involved in a terrorist attack on a military parade in the city of Ahwas in the south-west of the country. According to official figures, 25 people were killed and more than 200 injured, including civilians.

Chaab should bombings have committed

He was also accused of carrying out bomb attacks in Khuzestan province, with the support of Israeli and Swedish intelligence services, which killed and injured hundreds of people.

According to the AFP news agency, the Misan portal is said to have published confession videos of the man and assured that he had a fair trial. Iran’s Supreme Court upheld his death sentence in March.

Since Iran does not recognize dual nationality, the defendant could not get consular assistance from Sweden. Chaab was arrested by Iranian forces in Turkey in 2020.

The death sentence against the German-Iranian Djamshid Sharmahd has now been confirmed in the final instance.

German-Iranians also sentenced to death

At the end of April, the Supreme Court in Iran also confirmed the controversial death sentence against the German-Iranian Djamshid Sharmahd. A revolutionary court held the 68-year-old responsible for a terrorist attack in February. The court also charged him with cooperation with foreign secret services. The allegations cannot be verified.

Death penalty in Iran is usually carried out by hanging. Several European nationals are currently detained in Iran, many of whom also have Iranian passports.

Critics accuse Tehran of holding foreign nationals as political hostages. Iran denies the allegations and usually justifies the arrests with allegations of espionage.

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