iPhone 15 will feature EU-mandated USB-C charging port

The new smartphone presented Tuesday by Apple looks exactly like the previous models, with the exception of its charging method, which the American firm finally agreed to change.



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A USB-C charger socket for an iPhone (illustrative photo).  (JAKUB PORZYCKI / NURPHOTO / AFP)

Confirmation was expected during Apple’s keynote. During its annual presentation, the Apple firm unveiled its iPhone 15 on Tuesday September 12, with a notable development: the USB-C charging port, which will now equip all its future devices.

This universal charger is now required by Europe for all smartphones, tablets and devices put into circulation. The measure was announced in June 2022. Apple is therefore complying, one year before this measure comes into force by the end of 2024. According to the European Commission, almost a million tonnes of waste could be saved each year with the widespread adoption of the universal charger. “USB-C has become the universally accepted standard”, admitted a vice-president of Apple, Kaiann Drance.

Apple, which unveiled four new iPhone 15s (standard, Plus, Pro and Pro Max) on Tuesday which will be available from September 22, ended up giving in, after having long opposed this measure brought by Brussels, seeing it as a possible nuisance for consumers and a brake on innovation. A single charger will power all of the brand’s future devices.

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