IPCC report, floods, fires… Are you worried about climate change?

Cities uninhabitable because of the heat, regions devastated by flames, local residents deprived in the face of flooding, episodes of droughts… Meteorological phenomena are on the increase causing disastrous consequences for the planet and its inhabitants.

And the years to come do not promise any improvements, according to the latest IPCC report published on Monday. The observation is cold in the back. “The scale of recent changes observed in the climate system has been unprecedented for centuries or even, sometimes, millennia”, points out the Group. Climate experts also question human activity, in particular the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Fires, floods, worrying IPCC report, you see climate change around you, how do you experience it? Are you anticipating it? Have you made any decisions taking this new risk into account? Or are you just worried and not sure how to act? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used in writing an article. Thanks in advance.

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