iOS 15.3.1 and MacOS 12.2.1: Apple releases important updates

Apple iOS and macOS
Apple emergency: That’s why you should immediately update your iPhone and Macbook again

iOS 15.3.1 and MacOS 12.2.1 are small updates, but they are all the more important.

© Silas Stein / Picture Alliance

About two weeks ago, Apple surprised everyone with the release of iOS 15.3. iOS 15.3.1 and MacOS 12.2.1 came just as unexpectedly – ​​for an important reason.

Small update, big effect: Apple recently released iOS 15.3.1 and MacOS 12.2.1. Both updates may seem inconspicuous, but they are very important. Officially it says on iOS: “iOS 15.3.1 contains important security updates for the iPhone and fixes the problem that braille displays may not respond.” For macOS, “MacOS 12.2.1 includes important security updates and fixes an issue in Mac computers with Intel processors where the battery might drain in sleep mode when connected to Bluetooth peripherals.” It is worth paying attention to similarities.

Because the security updates mentioned have it all. As Apple explains, the update fixes a security gap in the Webkit browser engine, on which all Internet browsers in iOS are based. An error in older versions allows malicious code to be used when accessing manipulated websites. This vulnerability may already have been actively exploited, Apple explains.

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The updates also include fixes for more common issues as described. With iPhones and iPads, it is said that the displays for displaying Braille did not react, with Macbooks with Intel processors, unexpectedly high energy consumption could occur in idle mode – and thus empty batteries despite standby.

Anyone using older operating systems on computers, such as MacOS 11 or MacOS 10.15, should download the updated Safari version 15.3, in which the security gap mentioned has also been closed. For iPhones, the situation is different for older versions, because iOS 14 no longer receives updates, even in such an urgent case. The good news: iOS 15 is available for all smartphones from the iPhone 6s and many older devices.

source: Apple

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