Investigation opened in France on “extortion attempts in an organized gang” on Paul Pogba

An investigation has been opened in France on suspicion of extortion attempts of which football world champion Paul Pogba claims to be the victim, a source familiar with the matter said on Sunday, specifying that it had been entrusted to the services of the Central Directorate. of the judicial police (DCPJ). The Juventus Turin player denounced Sunday “threats” and “organized extortion attempts” against him, the day after the broadcast on social networks of a video where his older brother, Mathias Pogba, promised “big revelations” about his younger brother.

“Mathias Pogba’s recent statements on social media are unfortunately not a surprise. They are in addition to threats and attempts at extortion by an organized gang against Paul Pogba”, explained in a press release the lawyers of the French international environment, of Yeo Moriba (the mother of Mathias and Paul Pogba) and of the player’s agent, Rafaela Pimenta. “The competent authorities in Italy and France were seized a month ago and there will be no further comments on the ongoing investigation,” they specify in this press release.

Mathias Pogba promises “explosive” revelations about the world champion

In a video posted on social networks in four languages ​​(French, Italian, English and Spanish), Mathias Pogba, himself a professional footballer, announced on Saturday “great revelations about (his) brother Paul Pogba and his agente Rafaela Pimenta”, who has just taken over the company from the recently deceased Mino Raiola.

The brother of Paul Pogba, facing the camera, affirms that “the whole world” like his club Juventus Turin and the “sponsors” “deserve to know certain things in order to decide in full knowledge of the facts if he (Paul Pogba) really deserves admiration, respect, his place in the France team, if he is a trustworthy person. “All this risks being explosive”, he concludes, without further details on the nature of his “revelations”. According to two sources close to the Pogba family, large sums of money are claimed from Paul Pogba if he wants to avoid the dissemination of allegedly compromising videos.

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