investigation opened for “invasion of privacy”

An investigation was opened for “invasion of privacy” after the exposure of a photo of President Emmanuel Macron in a swimsuit, the Paris prosecutor’s office told AFP on Sunday, confirming information from ‘Europe 1.

“An investigation is underway” and “the investigations have been entrusted to the BRDP”, the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person, said the prosecution, without saying either the exact reasons for this investigation, or the people targeted. The Elysee Palace, contacted by AFP, said it had “no comment” on this affair.

The exhibition near the Elysée

According to Europe 1, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron are at the origin of the complaint which targets in particular a paparazzi, author of the incriminated photo. The latter has, according to the media, “exposed for a fortnight of photos of Presidents of the Republic on their vacation spots”, including those of Emmanuel Macron, “just in front of the Elysee Palace”.

The photo of the president on his jet ski would have been taken “last year” and would have already “circulated in the media”, according to Europe 1 which specifies that “the organizer of the exhibition was heard for two and a half hours by the police at the start of the week ”.

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