Investigation opened against Lewis Hamilton

( – The best time in qualifying for the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Brazil 2021 is followed by an investigation by the stewards: During the technical follow-up, FIA chief technology officer Jo Bauer noticed an irregularity on Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes W12 that could lead to Hamilton’s disqualification.

Lewis Hamilton in a Mercedes W12 at the Brazilian Grand Prix 2021


Bauer reports that he subjected the rear wing of the Hamilton car to a routine check and discovered that the drag reduction system (DRS) opened too far.

Bauer writes in full: “The prerequisites for the maximum [im aufgeklappten Zustand] of 85 millimeters […] were not met. “

It is now the stewards’ turn to deal with the case further. If Hamilton and Mercedes are found to have violated the rules, Hamilton could lose his first place in qualifying and thus his first place on the grid for the sprint qualifying on Saturday. He would then be facing a huge race to catch up both in the sprint and in the Grand Prix on Sunday.

Hamilton has already lost five places on the grid for the Grand Prix this weekend because an unscheduled engine change was made on his Mercedes. So he goes into the main race on Sunday from P6 at the most.

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