Investigation opened after the sexual assault of a worker at the Health prison

The suspect was already imprisoned for rape. Two investigations, judicial and administrative, are underway after the sexual assault in August of an employee of a private company in the Paris prison of Health, according to concordant sources.

As part of a judicial investigation opened on August 18, the suspect, aged 33, was indicted in particular for “attempted rape” and “sexual assault” and placed in pre-trial detention, indicated a judicial source, confirming information from the log The Parisian.

A double attack

At the same time, the prison administration has launched an administrative investigation to identify possible dysfunctions within the penitentiary center, according to a source familiar with the matter. The facts date back to August 8. In the morning, the victim, a versatile driver for a prison subcontractor, is in the laundry room of the Health prison where she must manage the delivery of dozens of mattresses, said another source familiar with the matter.

Accustomed to working in prison, the 34-year-old employee is then helped in her task by “auxiliary” detainees who are regularly assigned to odd jobs in detention. A first incident occurs at the beginning of the afternoon in this part of the prison devoid of video surveillance cameras: one of these “auxiliaries”, in pre-trial detention for rape, tries to kiss the victim who immediately pushes him away.

The responsibility of the prison in question

Despite this first alert, the inmate manages a few hours later to find himself alone in the same room as the employee and would then have subjected her to physical touching before attempting to impose digital penetration on her. She will eventually manage to free herself from his embrace and leave the room.

Reached by AFP, his lawyer, Me Tristan Vieules Augendre, expressed the wish that the investigation “make it possible to shed full light on the elements which made possible the occurrence of the offense” and “that it considers all the possible responsibilities and not simply those, direct, of the author”.

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