Investigation of an anti-Semitic sign during a demonstration

After the anti-health pass protests on Saturday in France, several investigations were opened due to reports of signs deemed anti-Semitic. This is the case in the Grand-Est region where “an investigation was ordered on its own initiative by the prosecution in view of the photo published in Vosges Morning “, Indicated Monday the prosecutor’s office of Epinal, which also received at the end of the afternoon a report from the prefecture of the Vosges.

In the photo, taken by the daily during the demonstration last Saturday in Epinal in the Vosges, on August 14, a man holds a sign on which he describes the Minister of Health Olivier Véran as “big Nazi!” “. It is also inscribed there “But who are the” followed by a swastika in which are inserted the four letters of LREM, the party founded by Emmanuel Macron. However, no arrests took place during this demonstration.

Swastika made of syringes

The prefecture of the Vosges reported these facts to the prosecution “on the basis of article 40 of the code of criminal procedure” which requires any authority having knowledge of a crime or an offense to report it to justice.

The prefecture had already made a report on another sign representing a swastika formed of syringes that appeared during previous anti-pass demonstrations in Epinal. An investigation was opened last week by the prosecution and entrusted to the city police station.

Support signs for teacher Cassandre Fristot

In Paris, the prefect of police Didier Lallement also reported to the courts anti-Semitic signs brandished on Saturday during the Parisian demonstration against the health pass, including the inscription “Who? “. This anti-Semitic slogan appeared on several occasions in anti-pass processions in France following an interview granted in June on the CNEWS channel to a retired general, Daniel Delawarde, signatory of a forum evoking “the disintegration” of France, published by the weekly Valeurs contemporaine. To the question “who controls the” media pack “? “, He replied” the community that you know well “, before being cut by the presenter, Jean-Marc Morandini.

A teacher, former member of the National Front and former local elected official, was also summoned to the Metz court on September 8 to answer for the offense of “public provocation to racial hatred”. She had demonstrated on August 7 in this city with a sign with the words “But who?” And “Traitors,” surrounded by the names of politicians, businessmen and intellectuals, mostly Jewish.

Some signs of support for this teacher, Cassandre Fristot, were observed on Saturday in the demonstration in Metz but no report was made and no investigation opened, we learned Sunday from the prefecture and the prosecution.

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