Investigation after the death of an inmate at the Brest remand center

An investigation was opened after a detainee of Tunisian nationality was discovered dead on Saturday at the remand center in Brest, we learned on Sunday from a judicial source.

“The death could be the result of drug poisoning,” said Brest public prosecutor Camille Miansoni, confirming information from the daily Ouest France.

A first suicide attempt on Wednesday

According to the magistrate, the detainee had attempted suicide by hanging on Wednesday. Taken to the emergency room of the University Hospital of Brest, he returned to the remand center on Thursday evening before being seen the next day by a psychiatrist.

The detainee, of Tunisian nationality, was found dead in his cell this Saturday, December 17 in the morning.

“An investigation has been opened to find the causes of death,” said Camille Miansoni. “An autopsy and samples for analysis will be carried out,” added the prosecutor, adding that an investigation has been entrusted to the departmental security service of the Brest police station.

The prisoner imprisoned for a nine-month sentence

According to the prosecutor, the deceased, born in 1982 in Tunisia, was in an irregular situation on French territory.

“He had been incarcerated in the Brest remand center since November 23, 2022 in execution of a nine-month prison sentence pronounced against him for acts of robbery with violence”, specified the prosecutor.

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