Investigation after explosion in Chempark Leverkusen – Rheinland – Nachrichten

The public prosecutor in Cologne announced on Tuesday that it was about the initial suspicion of negligent homicide and negligent causing of an explosive.

In addition, the apartments of the three accused and one other employee were searched on Tuesday. The business and operating rooms of the responsible company Currenta had also been visited. Currenta voluntarily released the documents required by the investigative authorities, according to the public prosecutor. The police have secured data carriers, cell phones and written documents and are now evaluating them.

Investigations after the explosion in Chempark Leverkusen: Currenta comments

Currenta announced on Tuesday that it had “Great interest in ensuring that the causes of the tragic explosion on July 27, 2021 are fully clarified“.

Managing Director Wolfgang Homey emphasized: “Our colleagues must not be prejudiced until the proceedings have been concluded.“The presumption of innocence applies.

Explosion in Chempark Leverkusen: accused are said to have violated duties of care

The accused are accused of having violated their duties of care in the storage and treatment of chemical waste. You should have stored the waste stored in a tank above the allowable temperature. According to an expert, so-called self-warming effects should have arisen.

According to the expert, these led to the pressure and temperature in the tank rising exponentially and the tank finally exploding.

The explosion in Chempark Leverkusen left seven dead

In turn, the explosion caused residual waste liquids to leak out of the tank. These liquids are said to have mixed with air and heating oil – which was actually fed into the tank for cooling and rinsing – and triggered the fire.

Seven people were killed in the accident. 31 people suffered some serious injuries.

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