Invasive species in Colombia: Escobar’s hippos are sterilized

As of: November 3rd, 2023 8:49 a.m

Colombia’s drug lord Escobar once brought four African hippos to his private zoo – there are currently more than 160 specimens living in the South American country. A problem for the ecosystem and residents that now needs to be solved.

In Colombia, in view of the uncontrolled spread of drug lord Pablo Escobar’s hippos, the government has announced that the animals will be sterilized.

Resettlement and euthanasia of animals is also possible

“Surgical sterilization is just one of the three measures envisaged by the Ministry of the Environment as part of the plan for the management and control of hippos in Colombia,” said the Colombian Ministry of the Environment. If this step is not enough to contain the spread, the government will consider moving the animals to other countries such as Mexico, India or the Philippines – or euthanizing them.

Hippos have no natural enemies in Colombia and were declared an invasive species in March 2022. The hippos now live scattered over a large area in the South American country and are often aggressive. Scientists warn that the feces of the massive even-toed ungulates can negatively affect the water quality of rivers. The animals also restricted the habitat of native manatees and capybaras.

Authorities estimate that there are now more than 160 hippos in Colombia – and that there could be 1,000 animals by 2035 if no countermeasures are taken.

Colombia’s Environment Minister Susana Muhamad wants to combat the uncontrolled proliferation of hippos.

9220 euros per sterilization

Surgical sterilization of 40 of the animals will begin next week, said Environment Minister Susana Muhamad. The procedure is expensive – each sterilization costs the equivalent of around 9,220 euros – and poses risks for both the hippopotamus and the veterinary staff, according to the ministry.

In the 1980s, Escobar had some hippos illegally brought to his Hacienda Nápoles, where he ran a private zoo. Since his death in 1993, they have spread from the property into nearby rivers and multiplied uncontrollably.

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